Noticias Webinarios

GO BILINGUAL Facilita el Lanzamiento del Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer de C40

GO BILINGUAL ha facilitado el webinario Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer Launch de C40, proporcionando servicios de traducción entre inglés, español y portugués para ciudades de todo el mundo.

El Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer es una herramienta innovadora diseñada para ayudar a las ciudades a evaluar y mejorar la salud de sus comunidades locales. Disponible en Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer, esta herramienta permite a los planificadores urbanos explorar cómo se clasifican las ciudades y vecindarios de C40 en diferentes indicadores de salud.

¿Para Qué Sirve la Herramienta?

El Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer utiliza los principios de la “ciudad de 15 minutos”, creando vecindarios donde los residentes pueden vivir, trabajar y disfrutar a poca distancia. La herramienta permite a los usuarios:

Beneficios para la Planeación Urbana

La herramienta puede beneficiar significativamente la planeación de soluciones urbanas de salud al:

Con el apoyo de GO BILINGUAL, el lanzamiento del Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer ha sido accesible para una audiencia global, facilitando la colaboración internacional en la creación de comunidades más saludables y sostenibles.

GO BILINGUAL Facilitates C40’s Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer Launch

GO BILINGUAL has facilitated C40’s Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer Launch webinar, providing translation services between English, Spanish and Portuguese for cities around the world.

The Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer is an innovative tool designed to help cities assess and improve the health of their local communities. Available in Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer, this tool allows city planners to explore how C40 cities and neighborhoods rank on different health indicators.

What is the Tool for?

The Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer uses the principles of the “15-minute city,” creating neighborhoods where residents can live, work, and play within walking distance. The tool allows users to:

Explore Health Indicators: assess how cities rank on nine key indicators of healthy neighborhoods.

Plan Urban Actions: Design urban planning actions to improve the health of local communities.

Identify Effective Interventions: Determine which neighborhoods could benefit most from an intervention and which interventions would be most effective12.

Benefits for Urban Planning

The tool can significantly benefit the planning of urban health solutions by:

Promoting Sustainable Mobility: encouraging walking and cycling, reducing reliance on motorized vehicles.

Improving Access to Services: Increasing proximity to schools, health centers, green spaces and other essential services.

Reduce Emissions: Assess the health and emissions benefits that could arise from different urban transformations12.

With the support of GO BILINGUAL, the launch of the Healthy Neighbourhood Explorer has been accessible to a global audience, facilitating international collaboration in creating healthier and more sustainable communities.